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Otilia Kocsis
Dr. Otilia Kocsis received her BSc degree in Physics from the University “Al.I. Cuza” Iasi (Romania) in 1996, the MSc degree in Medical Physics from the University of Patras (1998), and the PhD degree in Medical Physics from the University of Patras (2004). From November 2002 until February 2008 she was working as a consultant for speech-based systems integration at SingularLogic A.E. (Greece). At the same time she was actively involved in a number of IST R&D projects (e.g. GEMINI, AMIGO, POLIAS). In the period March 2008 – June 2013 she was a postdoctoral researcher at the Artificial Intelligence Group of WCL, and was involved in the implementation of many R&D projects (MoveOn, PlayMancer, AmiBio, DRYMOS). In parallel, between September 2007 – February 2012 she was appointed on the position of Assistant Professor at the Technical Educational Institute of Patras, to teach Informatics and Research Methodology at the Social Workers School. In the period July 2013 – October 2015 she worked as an external consultant at SingularLogic, for the implementation of the R&D projects TELECARE and Cloud4All. She is currently a postdoctoral researcher in the Visualization and Virtual Reality Group. Her general research interests include telemedicine, mHealth, user modelling and profiling, and human computer interaction. She is author and co-author of more than 30 publications in international journals, conferences and edited books, and she has acted as a reviewer for several conferences.
MSc, PhD
- Member for
- 7 years 11 months